Save |
The Save button will save your image map in your browser, so you can reload the image map you've created at a later date using the 'Load' or the 'Load Previous Saved Image Map' buttons. This also provides a way for you to save the changes, in case you accidentally make a mistake and need to reload the map.
Load |
The Load button allows you to load a previously saved image map.
From HTML |
The 'From HTML' button allows you to add an image map, using HTML.
Rectangle |
The Rectangle button provides a way to create rectangular shapes. Simply click on the corner where you want to start drawing your rectangle and then drag the rectangle out until you reach the adjacent corner. Then click the mouse button again to stop drawing.
Circle |
The Circle button provides a way to create circular shapes. To use the circle tool click in the center of the area where you want your circle and then drag it out. To finish click down on your mouse again and it will stop drawing.
Polygon |
The Polygon button allows you to create any shape or the ability to trace an area, as opposed to a rectangle or circle.
Edit |
The Edit button provides a way for you to edit the shape you have created or move them. After clicking the Edit button click on one of the shapes you have created and you can adjust its size or shape. If you double-click on the shape it will bring up a toolbar that allows you to add attributes, such as the URL link(href), target, alt text and a title.
Map Name |
The Map Name button allows you to save a unique name for your map, so if you have different image maps on the same page they won't conflict with each other.
The 'To HTML' button is how you generate the image map code. Simply click this button and you will see a code box appear at the bottom of your browser, with your embeddable image map.
Preview |
The Preview button will hide the highlighted areas that you've created and lets you preview how your image map will look when it is complete.
Clear |
The Clear button will clear all of the image map areas that you've created, but retain the image that you've added.
New Image |
The 'New Image' button will clear all of the areas that you've created and also clear the image allowing you to add a new image.
? |
The Question Mark (?) button is your quick reference to the keyboard commands.